1.1 Welcome to the website of the online store www.ladomilos.gr (hereinafter “E-shop”). This e-shop belongs to the company DIMELLIS FOOD SA / 8oCHLM RODOU-LINDOU, TSAIRI 85100-RODOS, with VAT 999675507 DOY RODOU, email: dimelis@otenet.gr, contact telephone numbers:+30 22410-62119, +30 6972214023 and is a continuation of the company’s physical store with the distinctive title DIMELLIS FOOD SA owned by Dimellis Apostolos, founded in 1992 with headquarters in Rhodes (8oCHLM RODOU-LINDOU street, TSAIRI 85100 with GEMI number 072484320000. (hereinafter Company). Our Company sells raw materials for confectionery and cooking, as well as olive oil products remotely through its online store www.ladomilos.gr, respecting the provisions of N. 2251/1994, as amended and in force today as well as the rest. current Greek and European legislation.
1.2. The access and use of this online store by any registered or unregistered user (visitor) is optional and depends on the acceptance of these terms of use and operation of this e-shop. Every user / visitor of our e-shop before entering and browsing this website (indicatively: user registration, online order, browsing browsing, product search, etc.), expressly and unreservedly states that he fully and totally accepts the terms of use and operation This e-shop (hereinafter referred to as “terms”), as well as the privacy policy and cookies but any other terms and policies that meet the requirements of the applicable law, as well as all other terms relating to the process of ordering and delivery of goods, for example The methods of payment, return and shipment of products are mentioned.
1.3. The acceptance of the terms is done automatically from the moment that these terms have been integrated within the e-shop in a prominent position and we indicate the access and reading of them but it is also facilitated by various means. The terms of this e-shop, which are predetermined (general terms of transactions), directly bind the consumer, as long as they meet the legal requirements, that is, their existence was proven by our e-shop and the possibility was provided to the consumer. to read them, to understand them and to study them and to receive substantial knowledge of their content (article. 2, par. 1 ν.2251 / 1994).
1.4. The registration of the user in the e-shop is an automatic, explicit and unconditional acceptance of the terms of use and operation of our store, and the transaction with our online store www.ladomylos.gr constitutes an unconditional acceptance of the terms of transactions in their entirety. We advise you to read carefully the terms of use and the terms of transactions that follow, as well as all the other above terms found on our website, before proceeding with any action, whether purchase, access, transaction or any other use. of this site and as you comply with them in their entirety.
1.5. Our Company reserves the right to modify or revise unilaterally and freely the current terms of use and operation of this e-shop, and undertakes the obligation to inform consumers through the publication of new terms on the website www.ladomylos.gr. We hereby inform you that only by posting on this website, any new terms will be enacted, or modification of the old ones or abolition of the existing terms, subject to the orders already made or under processing by our Company.
1.6. Visitors / users have the obligation to check at regular intervals, visiting this e-shop, if modifications have been made to these terms. In case of partial or total disagreement with the content of the terms of use of this website, we invite you to refrain from any action, access, transaction and general use of this website.
1.7. The parties to our e-shop, in order to conclude a valid sales contract with our online store, are required to have 100% legal capacity. This practically means that potential consumers of our products contribute to us, as long as they have completed the eighteenth (18th) year of their age and are not in deprivation of legal aid. Otherwise, the transaction is considered invalid as non-performing. If the transaction is canceled for any reason, the benefits already provided (shipping of products-payment) are sought in accordance with the provisions of unjust enrichment.
1.8. The exhibition / presentation of the products in our e-shop has the character of an invitation to the users for the submission of a contract training proposal. In no way is this presentation a commitment of the company to the availability and adequacy of the products and services displayed (127ff AK). Our products are currently shipped to Greece and within the EU.
1.9. Consumers who use this e-shop, accepting the terms that govern it, are obliged, when concluding any form of contract, to give us accurate, complete and true information for the transaction with our store. Your transaction with our company is considered to have taken place only when you receive a relevant “order confirmation” e-mail from us and is completed after the full payment of the order amount and the subsequent delivery of the products to the consumer. The parties to our online store must provide valid personal e-mail when ordering products.
1.10. In case of violation of these terms, the Company may prohibit any user-consumer from accessing the website www.ladomylos.gr and in all its services may delete his account, the history of his complaints and all the rest. data, without any warning at all. The non-exercise by the Company of its rights deriving from the law does not imply its waiver of these rights.
1.11. If there is any part of our website or these terms that you, as a visitor, do not understand, or if you have any questions about our products, please contact us at email dimelis@otenet.gr
2.1. The user can purchase the products displayed on our website, either as a visitor or as a registered user. In the second case, the user creates an account, giving his personal details, email and user code with which he can log in to his account at any time, see his shopping cart, complete an order, see his old orders and to modify his personal information.
2.2. The user is obliged to always provide complete, accurate and up-to-date information. More details on how to process your personal data can be found in the Privacy Policy. The user has the ability to completely delete his account. In this case, all the data in it will be deleted automatically.
2.3. Users-consumers are obliged not to use the electronic mail of this website, product order forms and user registration forms, or any other means of this website or e-shop accounts www.ladomylos.gr on social media (social media ), such as facebook, etc. for posting, publishing information and data and other content that may be illegal, defamatory and / or false, threatening, deceptive, blackmailing, abusive, pornographic and racist.
2.4. The user / visitor must respect these terms in their entirety but also all the terms, policies and conditions of our e-shop, whether he is a registered user with a personal account, or visiting our online store and making transactions as a visitor.
3.1. Our Company declares that neither it nor its officials or employees are responsible for any damage to the other party or third party caused by the illegal action of the other party, if its own obligations are met.
3.2. The Company does not control the validity, truth, completeness and accuracy of the information provided, personal and non-personal information on the website of our e-shop by users-consumers. The Company does not modify, correct or interfere with data and information that the user provides in any way to the Company, without prior notice – consent of the user. In the contract of sale with our Company, the use by the user of the payment of the order made through the use of a credit card and the provision by him of data of the legal beneficiary of the credit card, binds the real holder of the credit card, regardless of who has used this card or whether the real beneficiary knew it or not. Therefore, the consent of the legal beneficiary is clearly presumed, and we legally charge his credit card. The illegal or use of the credit card without the consent of its legal beneficiary, does not release the real beneficiary of the transaction, from the obligations arising from this contract, nor from any claims of our Company for compensation from the transactional and illegal action of the user. of the credit card.
3.3. Entering our e-shop, by filling in the user’s personal data and typing in his personal passwords, which a member specified during his registration, constitutes proof of the identity of the incoming person, in the sense that the use of the passwords is considered to have been made by the person to whom these codes really correspond. The registered members of our e-shop are the ones who are solely responsible for the security and confidentiality of their passwords and any damage caused to the Company, to them and to any third party, their unauthorized use by third parties or their disclosure. to third parties.
3.4. For all the above reasons, our users must keep secrets and not disclose to third parties their personal passwords for access to our e-shop and logout from their account, after completing their transactions or visits, especially when have entered from a third party computer or their personal computer is accessible to third parties. We ask our members to keep us informed in any case of loss, unauthorized access, interception and / or illegal use of their passwords by an unauthorized third party, so that we can recover / change their passwords and protect them and their personal data.
3.5. Our Company is not responsible for the user’s compensation, if he violates the terms of use and operation of this e-shop, provides untrue, inaccurate and incomplete provision of requested and non-requested information and data, develops illegal activity within this website, violates the rules of proper use of users, and does not fulfill the legal and / or contractual obligations it has undertaken. The user expressly accepts and acknowledges the exemption of the Company in accordance with the above and accepts that he is fully responsible for his actions and the ancillary obligations to compensate the injured.
3.6. Our Company is not responsible for deficiencies in the availability of products nor for possible temporary or indefinite failure to provide its services and for delays in the confirmation-acceptance and execution of orders and delivery of ordered products due to force majeure due to force majeure. or fire, or due to supplier strikes, malfunctions of cooperating courier companies, malfunctions of the Internet Payment Processing Provider (Bank), illegal behavior third parties and for reasons that cannot be attributed to the fault of the Company. Our Company is obliged to deliver to its customers, the ordered products without real defects.
3.7. It is expressly forbidden for consumers and ordinary users of our online store to interfere in the content, operation, format, services, databases and any information that constitutes this e-shop, using any malicious or non-malicious software. electronic or non-electronic means, sending infected files capable of infecting, destroying, damaging, suspending and generally preventing the smooth operation of this e-shop and the use or access by visitors of this website. Users are prohibited from infringing on the copyright of our company. The Company reserves the right to request not only the rectification of any damage but also compensation for all illegal actions, such as those described above as well as the criminal prosecution of the real person responsible.
3.8. Our Company is not liable for damage to the user or the trader or any third party that may be caused by the delivery of the ordered products-goods by the cooperating courier companies (courier, etc.), to a third party other than the real one, if this person resides or works or resides in the user’s home or space or any other space indicated by the user as the place of delivery of the products he has ordered and the relevant responsibility is accepted by the user only.
Transfer of risk: In contracts in which we send the products ordered to the consumer, the risk of loss or damage of the products is transferred to him, when the company has already delivered the user’s order to the courier, and the courier has been authorized by the consumer to carry products without prejudice to the rights of the consumer-user towards the courier.
3.9. For any dispute arising from transactions of the e-shop www.ladomylos.gr, with consumers, applicable law, it is the law of the Greek state including the rules of International Law and European Legislation. The Greek Courts are competent to resolve disputes from contracts for the supply of products to consumers of our Company and the Courts of Rhodes are locally competent.
4.1. Intellectual property included in the e-shop www.ladomylos.gr, with any forms, especially photography, text, logo, images, drawings, graphic representations and software as well as databases, commercials and slogans, which fall under the regulatory framework of the law 2121/1993 constitute the exclusive Intellectual Property of the Company, without prejudice to all the Intellectual Rights of third parties of respective rights and are protected in accordance with the relevant provisions and the legislation of Greek Law. Our Company y www.ladomylos.gr retains in its entirety the Intellectual Property of the present e-shop, as well as all its individual websites of which it is composed, which are protected in an absolute way but also independently as original works of art design and arts. , according to the conditions of the law as well as as collections of works (law 2121/1993).
The websites of this e-shop are also protected as databases, as long as they have all the features of a database.
4.2. Under no circumstances should the appearance and display of the content of our e-shop be construed as a transfer and / or assignment of a license and / or right to use it. You may store, print and display the content available for personal use only. It is not permitted to publish, manage, distribute, transcribe in whole or in part, transfer, process, store, republish, republish, modify or reproduce otherwise in any form, any part of the Content or copies of the Content provided to you or displayed herein. shop, nor can you use this content for any business or commercial activity unless you have received written permission from the Company.
4.3. The distinctive features (from their use or establishment in the market) as well as the entire content of the e-shop www.ladomylos.gr, are protected in accordance with the provisions of the law on unfair competition. The domain name www.ladomylos.gr has been legally registered with the National Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) and has been granted to our Company, which, among other things, has the exclusive right to use it. In addition, our Company prohibits any third party from registering a similar or similar domain name with the one already assigned based on the decision to assign a domain name and the Law.
4.4. The legal browsing of our company’s e-shop and its individual pages and the use of the services / products it offers, with respect and full compliance with the terms of use and its operating conditions, as well as the current legislation, is allowed if not insults the Intellectual Property of the Company neither in the external data of the website nor in its content.
4.5. Regarding the photographic display of the products that are in our e-shop, we inform you that we have made every effort to ensure a realistic and accurate photographic display of our products, which we sell. However, due to technological limitations, these photos may differ from the actual condition, shape and image of the products.
5.1. Protecting Consumer Personal Data is a priority for our company. The management and protection of personal data is governed in its entirety by the terms of this agreement and the relevant legal provisions of Greek and Community law on the protection of the rights of individuals from the processing of personal data, as well as its Decisions Authority for the Protection of Personal Data (Personal Data Protection), which we fully respect and fully comply with. Any legislative change in the future will be the subject of this agreement. This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the terms of use of our e-shop and you are bound by it both when browsing our website and each time you log in as a user or as a customer of our Website. In case you do not agree with this Policy, please do not use our website.
5.2. Our company has as its primary goal the provision of high quality services with respect to the rights of consumers / users of our website for this and we take all necessary measures within the framework of the law on the protection of personal data and privacy.
5.3. In order to provide you with the best possible services and products and to facilitate your purchases, we collect personal information and we know that we will not disclose customer information to third parties, unless absolutely necessary to provide you with a service, such as . for the delivery needs of a product, in order to carry out the necessary banking / credit checks and security checks and in the context of search and customer profile creation processes under the terms of this Policy, as well as with your consent or where we are required by law to do so e.g. . following a prosecutor’s order, court decision, etc.
5.4. Consumers and users of our e-shop services during their browsing, are responsible for the choice of creating an account or not as well as for maintaining the confidentiality of their account data and restricting access to their computer to avoid unauthorized access to their account. By using this website, the customer agrees and accepts responsibility for all activities that take place in his account or by using his password. The customer is solely responsible for ensuring that your password remains confidential and secure. The customer undertakes to change the passwords at regular intervals and in any case not to keep the same password for more than 6 months.
5.5. The username chosen by the user should not be illegal such as being vulgar, demeaning or indecent in any way or infringing copyright or other third party rights. In addition, the username must not contain indications for e-mail or internet addresses, personal contact details of the user or personal information or any damage to the rights of third parties.
5.6. The personal information collected by us is what you provide when you register with our services as members and is limited to your name, a landline, address (street, city, postal code), shipping address and type of document (receipt, invoice). At the same time, we ask for some information such as mobile phone number (in case we need to contact you directly or in case the courier needs to contact you for the delivery of the products). Document data: In case we issue an invoice we need the name of the company, TIN. and its headquarters address. From this data, what is optional is declared by you after your exclusive choice at your free will. With these terms we have the right at the pre-contractual stage to collect and process your personal data, without which (processing) we cannot offer you our services, while you can at any time exercise your rights.
5.7. Your e-mail address in case you register on the list in order to receive newsletters from our company (without at the same time registering as a member). You can withdraw this consent at any time by sending us an email or by clicking on the “delete registration” link or “unsubscribe from this email” which is usually at the end of any of our e-mail communications.
5.8. Finally, we collect electronic communication data such as e.g. IP address, cookies, etc., which are technically necessary for your navigation on our website and / or for purchases, which are maintained for as long as the law provides for sales of products such as ours. (Law 2742/1997, Law 3471/2006, as well as the provisions related to them).
5.9. Our company in no way collects sensitive personal data.
5.10. By navigating to our e-shop or registering as a user on our website or by purchasing any product from our online store, you declare that you accept and consent to this Privacy Policy, and you provide us with your express consent for collect and process your personal data listed above for the exclusive purposes we have already mentioned.
5.11. We reserve the right to change the terms of protection of personal data without notice. We urge you, as you regularly check these terms and conditions for any changes, as your continued participation in our services implies your acceptance of all possible modifications.
5.12. Our Company does not store data and information on credit cards, which it has and manages safely and at its own risk exclusively and only the provider of payment services through whose website the processing and execution of payments takes place. The same applies to payment data used by online payment providers such as e.g. PayPal or Stripe
5.13. Our Company takes appropriate technical and organizational measures for the security and protection of user data from any accidental or intentional destruction, loss, alteration, publication or access and any other form of unauthorized processing. The technical means and information systems of our company are designed in such a way that our company keeps the least possible personal data of you and only for the indicated purposes. The permitted storage and processing include indicatively the information of the visitor-user, the completion of his order, the provision of the requested services and any necessary action within the framework of the contract with our Company.
5.14. Customer personal data processing is limited to the absolutely necessary measure, collecting no more data than is required each time based on the purposes for which it is collected. Our Company archives the transactions made with the consumers – users of this website, in order to smoothly process the orders and the user’s information about the ordered products. It is possible for consumers to access them through their account or if requested by them.
5.15. The only cases, according to the law (no. 6 par. 1 of Regulation 679/2016 EU) in which we may process the data of users without their consent are the following:
when the processing of the data is necessary for the execution of a contract (eg sale) or for all the necessary actions required by us before the conclusion of a contract (supply of products-information, employment of employees, etc.)
processing is necessary for our compliance with a legal obligation
(c) the processing is necessary to protect our legal interests, unless it is in your best interest to protect the privacy of your personal data, especially if the data subject is a child.
5.16. Users of this website are informed about the collection, scope, purpose and volume of personal data collected during the stage at which it is collected. Users have rights regarding their personal data and may exercise them at any time, and according to the Law, among other things, the right to information, access to their data, the right to object-oppose (Art. 12-15 of the Regulation 679/2016 EU) etc. In particular, the user and the right holder has the right to demand from us the correction of inaccurate personal data concerning it as well as the right to delete this data (art. 16-17 of Regulation 679/2016 EU). Users also have the right to the portability of their data and their transmission to another controller without objection by our Company (art. 18-20 of Regulation 679/2016 EU). To exercise these rights, you can contact us at email: dimelis@otenet.gr
5.17. Our company adheres to the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, which is currently the global standard on the Internet for the certification of websites for web users and for encrypting data between web users and web servers. An encrypted SSL communication requires all information sent between a client and a server to be encrypted by the sending software and decrypted by the receiving software, thus protecting personal information during transport. In addition, all information sent with the SSL protocol is protected by a mechanism that automatically verifies whether the data has been changed during the transfer.
6.1. Cookies are like small text files, which are sent and stored with the help of the browser on your various devices (eg computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.) in a specific place. Some cookies are necessary for the operation of the website, while others are used to improve the user experience and facilitate browsing the website. You can learn more about the cookies we use by visiting our company’s cookie policy. More information on our cookie policy can be found here.
7.1. In our online store, advertisements may be integrated in various forms, such as advertising icons, text links and frames. In particular, we do not engage in unfair commercial practices, respecting the applicable laws of the country, always acting with professionalism, following the codes of good use and transactions that bind our commercial activity in order to provide impeccable service to our consumers through our services. We provide the user with all the necessary information about our products, complete and complete information about his rights as a consumer and overall information on the general and specific terms of transactions, the right to withdraw, in order to decide whether to contact our online store.
You can choose one of the following payment methods to make your purchases.
Cash on delivery only for purchases within Greece by paying the price of your order to the employee along with an additional charge of 2 Euros for the cash on delivery costs.
By depositing in a bank account, or by depositing the corresponding amount by visiting any natural banking store or via e-banking. The deposit must be made no later than 3 working days from the order. If the payment is not completed within this period, the order is automatically canceled. A necessary condition for the deposit is that the name and number of the order be stated in the reasoning / comments of the deposit. Transaction costs are borne solely by the principal.
EUROBANK: 00260299080200899229
GR25 0260 2990 0000 8020 0899 229
NATIONAL: 820 / 440184-04
GR34 0110 8200 0000 8204 4018 404
PIRAEUS: 6388040033785
GR32 0171 3880 0063 8804 0033 785
ALPHA BANK: 642 00 2002 008394
GR26 0140 6420 6420 0200 2008 394
After depositing the money, please send the deposit via e-mail to dimelis@otenet.gr
Credit and debit card through secure Paypal and Stripe services.
9.1. After registering your order, an e-mail will be sent to you confirming that we have received your order. As soon as possible, we pack and deliver the products you ordered to the courier so that he can deliver them to the address you stated.
All orders are shipped within Greece with the courier company DHL and deliveries are made daily from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 – 17:00.
9.2. The receipt of your order is made within 2-5 working days for shipments within Greece. For shipments abroad within 3-10 working days. In the event that there is a problem with the availability of a product or for any other reason why your order cannot be completed, we will contact you via e-mail. Receipts from the physical store are made from Monday – Friday from 10:00 – 16:00.
9.3. The products you buy will be delivered to the address you stated as the delivery / shipping address. Products will also be accompanied by an official copy of the sales receipt and consignment note. Deliveries will be made on receipt, with the recipient’s signature on the relevant documents.
In exceptional cases, delivery may be delayed:
During periods of increased commercial traffic
Due to adverse weather conditions or delivery in inaccessible areas
In case of force majeure
Shipping Expenses / Free Shipping:
For the cash on delivery service there is an additional charge of € 2.00.
In this case you will be notified of the total shipping fee by email.
10.1.Those users who make purchases from our e-shop as consumers can make a withdrawal from the purchase within 14 days from the delivery of the order to them, by sending (within the above deadline) the withdrawal form / form that you will find in end of this text via email to dimelis@otenet.gr, provided that in this case product and statement will be received by the Company within 14 days from the delivery of the products to the customer together with the corresponding purchase document of the transaction from t which you wish to withdraw (such as Retail Receipt, Sales Invoice, etc.).
10.2. Excluded from the right of withdrawal are products that may be damaged or expired soon, or which are vulnerable and therefore sensitive and therefore may be damaged or at risk of being damaged by their return without the use of special wrapping / packaging used by the company during send them to the customer.
10.3. It is understood that in all of the above cases, as in any case, the consumer reserves the full right to withdraw from the contract of sale and return of the product due to legal or actual defects or lack of contractual properties found after receipt and its use, in accordance with the general provisions of the Civil Code, Article 5 of the Law on Consumer Protection and other provisions.
10.4. For the withdrawal can be used either the model of the withdrawal form which will be sent electronically completed by email: dimelis@otenet.gr or any other clear statement to our company.
10.5. Product return costs are borne solely by the customer.
10.6. In case you exercise your right to withdraw from the purchase of a product that is not excluded, then the following applies to the withdrawal of products purchased from our online store:
- Especially in the case that the user / customer is a natural person (ie not a legal entity, even non-profit) who buys products remotely from the online store exclusively for his private use and not in the context of his professional activity (hereinafter “ consumer ”shall be entitled to withdraw unreasonably from the distance purchase of a product within an exclusive period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of delivery of the physical possession of the product to him or to e authorized representative, returning the product to its original condition, without damage, under the full responsibility and expense of the customer.
- Upon return with the products, the receipt / purchase invoice / invoice is sent even if it was sent to us via email during the declaration of withdrawal.
- The withdrawal of the consumer is unjustified, without the consumer being obliged to invoke reasons that justify the withdrawal, as well as without financial burden on the consumer, with the exception of his charge for the cost of returning the product and any reduction in the value of the product. specially mentioned cases below.
- In order for the return to be accepted, the product sent by the customer to be received by our company must be in the received condition, not used, or its original packaging must be removed, no damage has been caused that alters its use. , has not expired or is nearing its end, the correct maintenance conditions have been maintained and in general the products have not suffered any reduction in their value.
- We reserve the right to delay the refund until we receive the goods back in accordance with the above conditions.
- The customer is obliged to keep the purchase receipt and present it at the change. If the product does not meet the above conditions, it will be returned to the sender.
- BEFORE you carry out any shipping of products by exercising your right of withdrawal, we encourage you to contact our company by phone at ++30 22410 62119 to receive all necessary information.
Upon receipt of the consumer’s declaration of exercise of the right of unjustified withdrawal, our e-shop will send to the consumer a written confirmation of the receipt of the exercised right of withdrawal.
10.7. Consequences of withdrawal
With your timely withdrawal, and as long as it meets all of the above conditions, we will refund you all the amount we have received from you as soon as possible and in any case within 14 calendar days from the day we become aware of your decision to withdraw from the transaction, except for the return costs of the products which RETURN THE CUSTOMER, ie you.
10.8. Refunds will be made using the same payment method you selected for the original transaction. In case you are refunded through a third party payment provider (for example PayPal, Stripe, credit card, etc.) you may be charged with any commission charged to you by this third party provider under its terms of use and operation, for which our company is not responsible for.
10.9. If you wish the refund to be made differently (from what was used in the original transaction), you will be charged with any transaction costs from our e-shop, of this different medium, which (expenses) will be deducted from the amount the return of the product you requested.
10.10 We reserve the right to delay the return of the price of the product you return to us until we receive the products back and examine their condition or suitability.
10.11. We note in particular that if the above conditions are not met or if any of the aforementioned product accompanying documents do not exist, your request for withdrawal will not be satisfied, and the product or products will be refunded to you upon receipt.
10.12. www.ladomilos.gr reserves the right to unilaterally, legally and at any time modify its return policy, posting the new terms and conditions on its website. In case of permanent returns from the consumer, www.ladomilos.gr reserves the right to refuse the return of a product, due to abusive exercise of the right of withdrawal or replacement of our company’s products, even if the withdrawal was exercised in accordance with the above conditions and conditions.
10.13. If the above legal withdrawal procedure is not followed in order for the return of the product to be accepted, it will be returned to the consumer, who will be charged with the costs of packaging and shipping.
11.1. Our online store offers products mainly within Greece. It may ship products upon request to countries within the European Union. The consumer must be informed of the customs charges that may arise when ordering our products and requesting shipment to a third country (excluding EEA). For the necessary specifications of the product, the consumer must be informed by the competent authorities of the country of delivery of the products. In particular, the products must meet certain customs requirements in order to be imported into the destination country, such as weight, dimensions, accompanying documents, etc. The consumer is obliged to confirm that the ordered products meet these specifications.
11.2. If the consumer finds that the products he wishes to order do not meet the requirements for importation into the country of destination, he must not place the order, otherwise he will be charged with any relevant costs that will arise (receipt, return, storage costs). product etc).
The Consumer Ethics Code for Electronic Commerce as formed based on the Ministerial Decision of the Minister of Economy and Development in the Government Gazette of the Hellenic Republic (22/03/2017, No. 969), is published by our online store www.ladomilos.gr and you can read it in full by clicking here
13.1 Compliance with confidentiality shall be deemed to be self-evident. The same basic principles that govern classic transactions apply in the case of e-commerce. All the information transmitted by the user / member to www.ladomilos.gr is confidential and www.ladomilos.gr has taken all the necessary measures to use them only to the extent that it is deemed necessary in the context of the services provided.
13.2. All transactions made through www.ladomilos.gr are governed by international and European law, which regulates issues related to e-commerce as well as the Law on Consumer Protection (Law 2251/1994), which regulates issues related to with distance sales.
All prices at www.ladomilos.gr include VAT.
Our e-shop is fully harmonized with the procedure of out-of-court settlement of domestic and cross-border disputes for distance contracts, as it results from JM 70330/2015, which includes the regulations regarding the adaptation of Greek legislation, for the harmonization of Greek legislation with Directive 2013/11 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Amendment to Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22 / EC (EECD Directive) and the adoption of additional national measures for the implementation of Regulation 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the electronic resolution of consumer disputes.
The Electronic Dispute Resolution platform communicates directly with the competent bodies involved in the alternative dispute resolution, which undertake the processing of complaints. The competent bodies of the Greek state are A) the Independent Authority “Consumer Ombudsman” and B) the Mediator of Banking – Investment Services.
Detailed instructions for Electronic Dispute Resolution are listed at: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/?event=main.home.show
We recommend users / consumers before contacting the above service to contact us at +30 22410 62119 or email: dimelis@otenet.gr to guide them on the steps to follow depending on the problem they face.
15.1. These terms apply personally to the user of this website. You will not be entitled to assign these terms, in whole or in part, to any third party without our prior written consent.
15.2. These terms represent the overall agreement between us and you and replace all and any previous terms, conditions, agreements and regulations regarding the use, by you, of our Company’s Services.
15.3. Our Company has the right, at any time and without prior notice or notice to unilaterally modify and change these terms, Services or products and any page of this e-shop
15.4. We will act immediately if there are indications that a user violates these terms. In case you know or suspect that illegal activities of any kind are taking place, or you know or suspect that projects belonging to you, or your rights have been violated, please write to us at dimelis@otenet.gr, and note your letter in view of our “Legal Adviser”.
In case you need more information about www.ladomilos.gr or have any suggestions on how our Company’s services can be improved, please contact us at email: dimelis@otenet.gr. Alternatively, you can write to us at the address: DIMELLIS FOOD SA / 8oCHLM RODOU-LINDOU, TSAIRI 85100-RODOS, with VAT number: 999675507 DOY RODOU, in view of our “Legal Adviser”, phone number: +30 22410 62119, cellphone number: +30 6972214023